Or directly contact:
Benedict J Di Salvo, disalvob@maxci.net, telephone 608-217-0657
David Wandel, wancomp@aol.com, telephone 608-345-6337
MaxCI Maximizing Community Investments Inc.
200 West Third Street
Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597
Who We Are
These challenging times have created a mission-critical need for this assessment and growth model. MaxCI Assessment Tool™ is an insightful process designed to assess your organization, to recommend the next steps for growth and development, and to reach your organizational capacity so that you may better serve your constituents and community.
The most successful administrators of not-for-profit organizations manage each just like a business; but also use grant and contributed funds in the most effective and most efficient way. In other words, they maximize the use of funds invested in their organizations just as grant-makers have maximized the effectiveness by granting funds to the most deserving.
Diane E. Di Salvo: President and Treasurer, MaxCI Maximizing Community Investments Inc.
David Wandel is the Senior Consultant for MaxCI. Following his undergraduate and graduate education, and after senior level managemant positiions in non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses and corporations – including retail ownership, David became an organizational development consultant. He developed, directed and implemented Stratigic Plans, conducted Human Resource and Board of Directors training & development, Financial Management, Marketing, Cummunications, PR & Advertising, Management training & development at all employee leves and Fund Development. David, as a consultant and eventually vice presient of one of the largest and international event planning companies, was involved in producing events such as Moscow Circus, Rolling Stones and New Kids on the Block. His community involvement and leadership includes many organizations such as Madison / Dane County Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award Commission – as the Chairperson. He was responsible for rebranding the Wisconsin Environmental Decade to Clean Wisconsin, and he restructured the board of directors, eliminated a 6-figure deficit and then created an endowment.
Advisory Team
Kelly Williams, Ph.D.: Kelly possesses more than a dozen years of professional experiences including adult assessment, education and development. Kelly's work includes the assessment and measurement of higher order critical thinking, design and development of survey and assessment instruments, and validation and statistical modeling. Kelly recently received a Ph.D in Metrics.
Jennifer L. Johnson: Jennifer has more than 20 years experience in the public sector as an integral part of a command staff team for a law enforcement agency. In addition, Jennifer brings experience in the adult-education arena through her role as an instructional manager for a two-year college and as an instructor teaching a management course for the college. Jennifer’s consulting work primarily provides customized training to public and private sector, businesses, and teams within organizations. Jennifer’s undergraduate and graduate work focuses on organizational development, strategic planning, leadership and communication.
Daniel A. Schroeder, Ph.D.: President and CEO of Organization Development Consultants, Inc, (ODC) offers performance consulting for individuals, teams and organizations. Daniel’s experience includes: training and development, productivity improvement, organizational systems analysis / development, high performance learning systems, employee motivation and job satisfaction, and evaluation intervention in support of Balanced Scorecard and ROI initiatives. The experienced staff offers a Total Performance System© suite of services in the areas of organization development, learning, and assessment. od-consultants
A Quote and Testimonials
Of the thousands of applicable quotes, a favorite is from Winston Churchill. “I am easily satisfied with the very best.” Your board, constituents, grantors and community feel the same.
Presently, full of life and with different backgrounds, here are a few professionals familiar with MaxCI Assessment Tool™ and its “Functions & Levels.”
Bill Turpin, Master Coach Intructor & Trainer: I am a firm believer that effectiveness begins with self-awareness. To make any significant change, one has to know where to begin. Throughout my years working with nonprofit organizations, not knowing where to begin is the pressing challenge. The MaxCI Assessment is the most effective tool I have ever seen in helping nonprofit organizations begin to transform shortfalls into maximizing their potential.
Michael Kennedy, Professor, University of Kentucky (Systems Theory and GPS): "A system is made up of components with links connecting them. I'm impressed when I see a tool that revolutionizes the quality of links that are important to society. This diagnostic tool brings two systems together, grantors and grantees, with exceptional clarity and usefulness."
Jim Block, Partner, Johnson Block CPA: “I was surprised to find that taking the assessment was actually an enjoyable experience. The “Levels” and the questions forced me to think more deeply and broadly about organizations as grantees, or grantors, like never before. That perspective was helpful in thinking about what our board should be focusing on.”
Jeff Haig, Board Member, Kettle Moraine HOG ® Chapter #5603, Harley Owners Group: “The organizational introspection necessary to complete the assessment was, in and of itself, worth its weight in gold.”
Jeff Harvey, Director of Business Development, Qualtrics, Inc.: “The MaxCI Assessment Tool™ is valuable to not-for-profit organizations, but it may be even more valuable to foundations and corporations that grant funds. It is an effective and fair mechanism to screen applicants, and then to fund the most deserving.”
The MaxCI Assessment© is powered by Qualtrics, Inc., the industry-leading provider of online Survey Software solutions. Please visit their website and note their clients. www.qualtrics.com
Website advisor and video production Roger Bindl, Bindl Productions.
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